Saturday, March 5, 2011


Many people can grasp the underlying philosophy, the main impetus, the framework of SYSTEM, but they seem to confuse team effort with “groupthink.” Many a historical discovery derives from the individual, who remains interdependent upon other individuals that surround and support that individual. Progress rarely occurs using decisions by committee because it combines too many disparate, different, and dissonant opinions that instead of facilitating a better decision, allows the opinion of the lowest common denominator to usually win out. My personal research demonstrates over the years that when the group made the decision; the decision usually did not originate with the strongest, the smartest, or even the most Machiavellian group member, the member most willing to toe the party line, regardless of the party line, usually won out.
After years of personal research, supported by outside studies demonstrate the chaos that “groupthink” caused in the 20th century, researchers such as Philip Zambardo designed experiments to learn more about man’s inhumanity towards man and the conclusions seemed to suggest that it goes to the nature of the “group,” something in the group setting facilitates, amplifies, and perpetuates the worst behavior. In the Universe there exists an inherent law that encourages the gathering of information without needing to practice all ideas gathered, therefore the necessity to create mental filters, screens and perceptions to figuratively sift through the dross for the gold nuggets. FIRST PRINCIPLES – “What is this”- process, person, thing / what defines’ its nature; What does it want to do, create, perpetuate? Does it Empower “Me,” not the group, not the herd, not the individuals who passed this meme along, but me?!
By taking some basic steps; Stop-Yield-Start (SYS), we can learn to take as much time as we desire to make a decision, to arrive at the most probable scenarios that empower us, choices made under pending physical trauma, mutilation or death can disempower most people, but anything outside of that class (pending physical trauma, mutilation or death) can use SYSTEM to make a decision. In order to make SYSTEM function will take some work in learning some basic techniques, so simply because you read this, watch my vids or attend a SYSTEM seminar willnot impart wisdom, knowledge or some type of SYSTEM dispensation.
SYSTEM provides a framework with which to go inside Your Self to examine the current “software” you operate from, keeping what works and returning to the “source code,” hacking your own mental codes to reimprint and establish new “islands.” This can possibly take a bit of time, deep introspection, but most of all FEARLESSNESS to go rooting around in the flotsam, jetsam and dark muck built up over years of carelessness by allowing any and every meme to enter without vigilance into the most sacred part of your body, your CNS. We donot exist directly as a product of our environment, family, friends or society, we exist as a product of our own gullibility by buying into the “groupthink,” the garbage, the dross that gets passed along with a few nuggets of genuine gold.
In order to become truly effective we must create a checklist to a make a motivated state of mind easier to focus on, also in order to avoid disempowering motivations; a digital recorder, a pad and a pen, some way to record your thoughts, ideas, beliefs externally, then gather these opinions, thoughts, ideas in your journal, diary, vblog. To thine own self be true, and to the rest of the world you appear as many things so that once you begin to peel back to see what drives, impels, compels Your Self, you can then begin to create honest dialogue with Your Self, which in turn will allow you to effectively SYSTEM; we must focus our mentality to remain acceptable to the societal law, as well as the Law. We must remain ever vigilant against mental fatigue, because we must always keep in mind that we mean to create Liberty on an individual basis and so you must remain mentally honest with Your Self. SYSTEM never requires confession about how you feel, believe, or think about any other individual, you must learn to focus on SYSTEM, you must constantly remind Your Self that you find Your Self exactly where you want to Live at that moment because you use this “software” to create your Life, ultimately only you can recreate the new Your Self.