Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sex or love?


“45 years old, married, looking for some strange”...began the personals ad, throughout the Interweb, meeting women through chat lines, always looking for the fast girl, mostly females who understood my biological urge-to-merge, without attempting to analyze me with pop psychology. After getting to know some of these wimmen it began to irk me at 1st, then it became bemusing, now it just leaves me wondering; what appears reality, and how much fantasy, self-delusion, and quite literally pipe dreams, separate dialectic from rhetoric. My time, remains 1 of the the most valuable commodities, so for me to expend, the time of day, all day, every week day, signifies a deep personal investment, so basically wimmen with some free time during the day; housewives, college students, free-loving wimmen just enjoy some afternoon delight, appear the most attractive.
This results from misguided erudition that lead me to believe that wimmen enjoy the urge-to-merge as much as the next guy does, science for the last decade took DNA samplings, tested theory, finding more information that points to some interesting ideas about the breeding habits of wimmen. Imagine someone asking you, a womyn, to inspire them as a Muse, in all manner, way and desires for that someone, a couple of times a week, for a few hours in the day, preferably in a bikini, Erato. In my quest to enjoy some strange, only 1 or 2 of the potential Muses exhibited some quick-wit, brightness and intelligence, married wimmen always seemed preferable because they enjoy their marriage too, they just want someone else to physically check out the goods, ♪ but we got a thing going on ♫. The single wimmen usually want to psychoanalyze, even after we agree up front that we will just remain friends, every female wanted to start up with the “let's be more than friend-”stage, then end up questioning why, “I would cheat?” Quite simply, it seems genetic for me to want to enjoy the company of fine, young intelligent wimmen on the level of simply enjoying their company, actually not too young because they still lack experience, a quality that should grow over time.
So what would acting like a Muse entail, the wimmen wanted more specifics; Inspire me with your femininity, your sex appeal, your sex, you came in the form of Womyn, well act like it for me, my own private dancer, my own conversation, something to raise a lust in me that would spill onto the page. She did not mind sex, certain forms of sex, of trying something new, but she seemed sad at her sexless existence, going on and on about how refreshing it felt to meet someone honest enough to admit they did not intend to divorce their wife, for just a few hours of company every few days. Then a question arose about bumping into each other at Wal-Mart, before my answer came out she decided that she felt disrespected by my honesty of marriage.
Even after all these years what begins to sound like Erato at 1st , can quickly turn into Melpomene or worse Euterpe, with the lamentations of women, and so it seemed with this Muse; so imagine the surprise when the next day, not only did she agree to act like a Muse, but began to robe herself in her own flesh. Why does the naked flesh of a womyn other than your significant other, feel so good, especially 1 that went from lukewarm to hot, in the span of about 18 hours, all the while my mind seeks to understand how this woman can make me feel ready to breed, even though most media-inspired, metrosexual men claim that NANTAFs (No Ass No Tits All Face) “are” hotter than a female with a BMI 19 or higher, a hip-to-waist ratio of about 0.7 – 0.8, with full mammaries & plump, round buttocks; in that moment my NANTAF Muse inflamed the imagination. We parted that day with some heavy petting, kissing and her exhibiting those parts that make her a female Muse, making plans for after the weekend, but my weekend plans got canceled, giving me more time to spend with my Muse.
That next day my Muse claimed she would spend as much time as possible with me after she gave me a list of things to get ready; then after getting everything ready, she got her friends to lie to me at the last minute, that she went to run an errand, in retrospect she never intended to go. In the end she stirred something that made me feel the discovery of the new, the novel, the neophilic; it did not matter that objectively she remained nobody's beauty queen, though the remnants of a long ago faded beauty still sparkled in her eyes from time to time.
Reading articles, books, info off the Interweb; they make claims that at least 1 in 4 women display certain genetic markers that makes them more sexually adventurous, some articles claim it remains millions of years of primate nature, but apparently this statistic remains higher in some parts of the world than it does in others. It appears that here in Southeastern New Mexico, maybe the desert, radioactivity, aliens took away the gene that should make at least 10,000 ± females in between Lea, Eddy and Chaves counties, enjoy FB/FWB/NSA sex, look it up and do the math. According to the stats at least 750 kids born in the last 10 years in the counties mentioned above came from some other mans' testicles than the 1 that sleeps next to his wife, do any intelligent, sexually adventurous Muses exist out there, out of the 10,000 ±, free wimmen, read your Freakanomics.
The factor that ultimately wins out becomes Time, unfortunately the human factor tends to warp, skew and twist the understanding of the quality v quantity scenario, my search focused on quantifiable actions, measurements, and Will to Act; but Always in a timely manner. Our common ancestor began breeding over 2,000,000 years ago, Proto-people supposedly began about 500,000 years ago, romantic love began about 500 years ago, not very long in our relative existence on Earth. Time appears to make the idea of romantic love almost mythological; these days with all the chatter in the media about love at 1st sight, romantic love, google-y love, people begin to believe that it somehow trumps lustful, biological sex. The biological urge-to-merge remains epochal; romantic love we can call a period, a Johnny-cum-lately, a parvenu, probably a word game invented with the modern novel. So when I see you around SE New Mexico, in your tight, short, shorts often splitting the camels toe with the monkey, then your pale skin playing peek-a-boo through your tight clothing, and the rest of your femininity free-flowing, the NANTAF simply becomes, a gay producer/directors entertainment-industry fantasy about what metrosexuals want! My desire simply remains to get to know you, Ms. Short-Shorts, to taste you, to read the Braille of your skin, to share pheromones, to do just what our ancestors did to get us here, without worrying about the mystery of romance, the people you live with or entertainment-industry fantasies, you only need your imagination Ms. Short-Shorts; which cums out of the sexiest organ you got, your brain.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Many people can grasp the underlying philosophy, the main impetus, the framework of SYSTEM, but they seem to confuse team effort with “groupthink.” Many a historical discovery derives from the individual, who remains interdependent upon other individuals that surround and support that individual. Progress rarely occurs using decisions by committee because it combines too many disparate, different, and dissonant opinions that instead of facilitating a better decision, allows the opinion of the lowest common denominator to usually win out. My personal research demonstrates over the years that when the group made the decision; the decision usually did not originate with the strongest, the smartest, or even the most Machiavellian group member, the member most willing to toe the party line, regardless of the party line, usually won out.
After years of personal research, supported by outside studies demonstrate the chaos that “groupthink” caused in the 20th century, researchers such as Philip Zambardo designed experiments to learn more about man’s inhumanity towards man and the conclusions seemed to suggest that it goes to the nature of the “group,” something in the group setting facilitates, amplifies, and perpetuates the worst behavior. In the Universe there exists an inherent law that encourages the gathering of information without needing to practice all ideas gathered, therefore the necessity to create mental filters, screens and perceptions to figuratively sift through the dross for the gold nuggets. FIRST PRINCIPLES – “What is this”- process, person, thing / what defines’ its nature; What does it want to do, create, perpetuate? Does it Empower “Me,” not the group, not the herd, not the individuals who passed this meme along, but me?!
By taking some basic steps; Stop-Yield-Start (SYS), we can learn to take as much time as we desire to make a decision, to arrive at the most probable scenarios that empower us, choices made under pending physical trauma, mutilation or death can disempower most people, but anything outside of that class (pending physical trauma, mutilation or death) can use SYSTEM to make a decision. In order to make SYSTEM function will take some work in learning some basic techniques, so simply because you read this, watch my vids or attend a SYSTEM seminar willnot impart wisdom, knowledge or some type of SYSTEM dispensation.
SYSTEM provides a framework with which to go inside Your Self to examine the current “software” you operate from, keeping what works and returning to the “source code,” hacking your own mental codes to reimprint and establish new “islands.” This can possibly take a bit of time, deep introspection, but most of all FEARLESSNESS to go rooting around in the flotsam, jetsam and dark muck built up over years of carelessness by allowing any and every meme to enter without vigilance into the most sacred part of your body, your CNS. We donot exist directly as a product of our environment, family, friends or society, we exist as a product of our own gullibility by buying into the “groupthink,” the garbage, the dross that gets passed along with a few nuggets of genuine gold.
In order to become truly effective we must create a checklist to a make a motivated state of mind easier to focus on, also in order to avoid disempowering motivations; a digital recorder, a pad and a pen, some way to record your thoughts, ideas, beliefs externally, then gather these opinions, thoughts, ideas in your journal, diary, vblog. To thine own self be true, and to the rest of the world you appear as many things so that once you begin to peel back to see what drives, impels, compels Your Self, you can then begin to create honest dialogue with Your Self, which in turn will allow you to effectively SYSTEM; we must focus our mentality to remain acceptable to the societal law, as well as the Law. We must remain ever vigilant against mental fatigue, because we must always keep in mind that we mean to create Liberty on an individual basis and so you must remain mentally honest with Your Self. SYSTEM never requires confession about how you feel, believe, or think about any other individual, you must learn to focus on SYSTEM, you must constantly remind Your Self that you find Your Self exactly where you want to Live at that moment because you use this “software” to create your Life, ultimately only you can recreate the new Your Self.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


A problem facing many people in society today remains “mental chatter,” those small voices constantly yammering away in their heads, full of repetitive memes, common sense and conventional wisdom; as the old computer dictum goes : GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT. Hence the need for creating a mental fortress, putting in place screen, filters and selective processes; and then doing mental triage as to the importance of information that floods your senses. Now since a majority of people in the world donot practice meditation and therefore donot possess any idea how to “still the monkey of the mind,” we can do the next best thing and begin to gain more control over the constant flow of sensory information that people exist in.
Try the following experiment; upon awakening every morning ask Your Self this question, “WHAT CAN I DO TODAY, TO EMPOWER MYSELF,” at least 8 times, placing emphasis on all the words, one word at a time and then ask the question a few more times after that. Do this for 30 days with the goal of finding 1 empowering situation, event or thing (SET) every day to perform and then before going to sleep that night take an inventory and ask Your Self, “WHAT DID I DO TODAY, TO EMPOWER MYSELF?” taking a mental reckoning to relive the 1 SET you did that day, “To Empower Myself.” After 15 days you ask the same question upon awakening but now you increase the goal to finding 3 empowering situations, events, things (SET) and again before you go to bed you do an inventory and mental reckoning for 3 SETs you did that day. By the end of 30 days your mind will become entrained to seek out empowering SETs throughout your day so at this point you can amp up your search for SETs to infinite, after 30 days you mind will begin to become entrained to see SETs in order To Empower Mind, your Mind.
The fact remains you become what you think, so that if you find ways To Empower More, then your mind makes it a habit, and that search must constantly lead you in the direction of truth, but donot confuse full disclosure with truth. SYSTEM doesnot advocate that you need to confess your most revealing, embarrassing, darkest secrets to any and everybody, SYSTEM advocates that you learn to accept what you believe, feel, think, but contrary to the Orwellian philosophy that seems to permeate popular American society and espoused by the mass media, we donot need to report every thought to the Thought Police. Thinking in and of itself doesnot remain dangerous, in fact it remains a natural process no matter how unconventional, impolitically correct or anti-social it may seem, the problem will arise from poor impulse control and acting upon socially unacceptable acts.
In fact we must come to terms with our minds along with the thoughts that pass through them and so we need at least 30 minutes a day of quiet time where we sit awake, in a comfortable position, with no distractions from media, electronics, or significant others. We then allow the thoughts to pass through our minds like clouds in the sky, looking at the “shapes of the clouds,” without holding on to them, always remembering that these only remain merely thoughts and not actions. The goal then becomes to come to terms with Your Self and the mental processes that actually take place in Your CNS, without trying to suppress, repress and check your beliefs, ideas, thoughts (BIT), this takes practice because once you realize that thought remains just that, a thought, unless acted upon, either positive, indifferent or negative, then you begin to gain self-control of your acts.
Before you can move on to the most important part of the mental inventory you must “know thyself,” and “to thine own self be true,” the inventory can get written, recorded verbally or using audio-visual equipment on a consistent and if possible daily basis, taking inventory of what you perceive of Your Self. Youwill then set goals of who you want to become by writing and/or recording it because you want to review this feedback loop on a regular basis with something that you can physically handle. Once you begin to understand Your Self and where you want to grow, you take the next step of creating filters, screens and triaging viral memes that will guide you in obtaining your goals to SYSTEM.


While going to high school we played for a coach who got sold on Zig Ziglar and so we listened to tapes after practice and before games, this coach went around quoting Zig and the truth seems that he threw out acorns, scattering seed corn willy-nilly, against the elements, against the wind. But out of little beans, big mesquites grow, but it takes time, light and a lot of fertilizer with water, even through years of drought in my vehicle, even while the mental and physical received water, my emotions appeared to make no progress. My spiritual maturity started around 20, sometime in my early 20’s my vehicle physically matured, my mentality matured somewhere around my mid to late 20’s, yet my emotional maturity grew slower due to years of drought in which the little bean received little water in the desert. Still the little emotional tree persevered subsisting off the dew, the mist, the fog and sometimes the run-off of the physical, mental and spiritual growth. The years allowed me to explore the teachings of many Masters of Time/Space, but my emotions still seemed to lag and many of my mistakes derived from the lack of emotional maturity. Finding myself in a monastic existence where many of the individuals around me came mostly from the land of misfit toys, many also appeared stunted not just emotionally, but mentally and spiritually as well. In my youth my pursuits focused on the spiritual, mental and physical, yet somehow in all this education the emotional teachings somehow got missed or overlooked by me; it seems the student never saw the Master appear. After every release from enforced monasticism someone to Love always appeared to me, but somehow the Love would get lost, and the loss would evade my understanding, using my other capacity’s wouldnot allow me to comprehend why Love kept walking away from me and the little mesquite bean slowly grew into a stunted bush.
The reader must understand that emotional rain will occasionally fall, but just like acid rain it falls heavily laden with adulterants, dilutants, or pollutants which only allowed me to survive and not to thrive. In 2000 my first wife left me, which prodded me to become more introspective because my mental and spiritual knowledge did not help me out with the emotional droughts. In 2003 an opportunity arose in the form of a self-help class that relied heavily on material borrowed from Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey and various other self-help motivational speakers. One day while watching a video by Zig Ziglar the dwarf emotional tree recognized the nutrients it lacked and realized the sustenance it needed and the class became a source of emotional rain on that mesquite. The mesquite doesnot qualify as a tree in fact, but a shrub, not limited to the size it can grow except by the amount of water it can get, and now the amount of emotional liquidity began to rain down in larger amounts, unfortunately my path crossed that of a facilitator to the Teachers, not a Teacher himself, but one cannot expect to gain much wisdom unless one gets tested by the fires of Life.
Returning to the town of my youth in 2003 a quest began to seek out the teachings for the emotional H20 my mesquite craved and needed to grow, the quest lead me to find books, study more and the growth began to catch the dew better, which started a synergetic process. But as often happens in the real world the teachings of the Masters began to fade into the same old, same old routines of existence, my existence made the techniques in the books difficult to apply, causing the emotional growth to slow. While under the influence of a mentally repetitive URP (UnRegistered Pharmaceutical) a relationship began with another woman and my emotional immaturity began to color my decisions, instead of me making emotionally mature decisions. So once again an enforced monastic existence put me back in the center of slaves, misfits and broken toys, among the social debris. Beginning the 4th tour of my own personal hell my path crossed that of a Teacher that not only knew how to survive off the dews, mists and fogs, but how to thrive; this became Life-giving waters for furthering my emotional maturity allowing me to begin my progress into an emotionally mature man. The realization dawned on me that many of those around me couldnot understand their own lack of maturity in mental, spiritual or emotional matters because of the conventional wisdom that physical maturity signals maturity on all the other levels because this common sense get propagandized by those in authority, in order to perpetuate their own existence.
The realization opened my eyes to the fact that the Light of Truth seems clear, glaring, and sometimes harsh; and most of society, not just the misfit toys, lives in a land of illusions created to maintain a type of control over people, a mass hallucination shared by all, to benefit a few. SYSTEM doesnot advocate a socialist revolution, it doesnot advocate breads & circuses for the masses, it simply remains a signal to communicate the idea to the Individual, to Save Your Self. SYSTEM will put as many tips, tools, techniques as possible in your possession, itwill create a network and itwill exchange ideas for the Individual To Empower More.
Imagine yourself in a vehicle riding along on city streets, no traffic lights, no signs or warnings of any kind at the intersections, so you get in your vehicle, turn on the ignition and put it in drive. This vehicle begins to move of its own accord so that you donot control the speed directly because you remain unaware that the vehicle possesses an accelerator or even a brake pedal; you learn to do the best you can to cross intersections, while trying to avoid collisions with other vehicles. The fact remains that since you possess no control of the speed you keep wrecking into other vehicles who also donot know how to control the speed of their vehicles, but at least the collisions give you enough time to slow down, get back in the vehicle, and start it before it builds speed up again. This remains a representation of Life as most people know it, at an emotional level, most people never realizing that they can control STOP YIELD START, that not only do they possess an accelerator, but a brake pedal as well. Yet even knowing that you possess an accelerator and a brake pedal doesnot seem enough, because you must still learn how to use them, this not only lets you Stop, but you can Yield.
Now picture Your Self at an intersection, where you take just 2 seconds to look both ways as you Yield; count out 2 seconds and see how much you can see how much you can see using the “left-right-left” method. Now give Your Self 5 seconds, and then give Your Self 10 seconds and notice the differences that 10 actual seconds could make in your Life, so that when you approach an “intersection” you give Your Self just 10 seconds out of the 8640 you get in a 24 hour day. Even if you did this 64 times a day you will still get 8000 seconds left in a day, the point seems that if you would approach a situation, Stop or Yield (10 seconds) and start again you would gain control of Your emotions and not become subject to the control (collisions), conscious or unconscious with others.
There exists a saying that in “that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king,” so what does that make the two-eyed man, and in the land of emotional drivers that donot know how to use accelerators and brakes, what does that make the individual who can control the motion of emotion? SYSTEM doesnot apply to victim mentality, in fact it eschews victimology as abhorrent, disempowering and ultimately contrary to the rational processes of Life, because Life seems an arm race. Every morning a rabbit awakes in the desert knowing it must go out of its burrow to eat in order to survive, every morning a coyote awakens knowing he must eat the rabbit in order to live another day. So when the rabbit goes out and the coyote sees him the Life commences, if the rabbit cannot run fast enough the coyote eats, but if the rabbit outruns the coyote it, might starve; and just like the rabbit and coyote we must hit the ground running every morning, in order to Live. Once you begin to mature emotionally you no longer side with the rabbit or the coyote, you begin to realize that this just remains the nature of things and we must embrace nature. True victims rarely exist and no amount of screeching MADD mothers, fascist government officials, or police state propaganda ministers can change the facts that people can act cruel, evil and vicious. SYSTEM acknowledges man’s behavior toward’s man, but seeks to empower, enlighten and encourage individual, interdependent responsibility. Man’s cruelty to little animals, children and each other pre-dates even written history and continue’s in parts of the world to this day where most of the ostriches never want to see because they refuse to pull their heads out of the sand. SYSTEM teaches people to take responsibility for their own actions whether good, bad or indifferent and to focus on Your Self, this in turn begins synergetic emotional growth, which helps lead to emotional maturity.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


The first level actually begins with the mental level because the CNS contains the software that drives the hardware, we become what we think, beginning with the original meta-programming we received at our birth until we came of age. Picture if you can 4 “islands” surrounded by vast expanses of ocean, the islands arise from imprints that the mind creates during crucial moments in our own Life, imprinting works like a short video. At certain junctures in our lives, due to neurochemical interactions, these videos imprint and this will drive future responses. That response we will call an island, so that by the time we become school age at least 3 islands exist and already the flotsam, jetsam and detritus that accumulates on the beaches of islands seems well under way. Much of the detritus accumulates from the misinformation, conventional wisdom and common sense we become exposed to and in fact with most people the islands themselves become barren, rocky, desert islands, created by kids or kid-like mentalities, and not lush, food-filled, tropical paradises.
Many people become handicapped at the onset sadly because people as a whole donot know how to teach the children how to thrive, the groupthink emphasizes how to survive. After the individual exits the womb the CNS begins to turn on to follow INSTRUCTIONS 1 and 2, eventually sub-routines get turned on allowing you to download a piece of “software,” usually in audio/visual form that teaches how to locate sustenance, how to mobilize, how to communicate and eventually how to procreate. These remain simple, basic instructions, but the way in which people do them creates a varied, multifaceted and interactive interaction between the islands and from there the islands begin to communicate either enhancing one another or existing at crosscurrents.
Now most people exist in an average range from neophobia to neophilia in searching for sustenance, clumsy to graceful in mobility, either kinesthetic to verbose to visual in communication and ranging from introverted to extroverted socially/sexually. As conscious people with a subconscious set of sub-routines we can combine them to create an endless variety of routines, this becomes the reason for fads, trends, and popularity, because most people in their given geographic locations create favorites as a group that dominate over the individual. In order to SYSTEM you must test Your Self to see where you find Your Self on the scale, working with what you created thus far, you can create your own charts, graphs, sets of (?) to begin at least to find your motivations prompted by your sub-routines. In order to Save Your Self you must actually know yourself because once you begin to focus on Your Self youwill begin to see the communication between your islands youwill begin to understand that most of the flotsam, jetsam and detritus that surrounds these islands derive from “junk beliefs.” SYSTEM champions neophilia, adaptability and upgradeability, yet at the core it remains Your Self so that any input that attempts to supersede your individual Self with that of herd mentality, groupthink, and hive mind cannot work for the individual utility of SYSTEM.

Monday, February 21, 2011



For all practical intents and purposes it appears that most people’s behavior contains “common sense” elements to it, so that untested it can become “conventional wisdom,” which we know doesnot work for the individual, in other words, it doesnot work for Your Self. Common sense seems the reason most of society gets fucked up, because it rely’s on the group to program the individual, unfortunately the group exists to program the square peg to fit into the round holes or simply reject them. SYSTEM became designed to teach You, the individual, to use words, tools and techniques to Empower Maximally, such as by using the latest data to take Your physical vehicle end empowering it, enhancing it, and recreating it to the highest level of Light, Life, Love, Liberty. SYSTEM seeks the latest, the greatest or the time-tested methods that people created and nature designed to increase the potential of people to their ultimate limits.
For example if You want to create the healthiest body for Your Self you possibly can, you donot turn to your fat, beer-drinking buddies who sit around watching sports on the weekends, You go to a gym, get a personal trainer or educate yourself on matters of physical fitness. You take a proactive approach by actively gathering information, researching it and setting nothing off limits, because Nature remains a limitless creation in progress. SYSTEM provides an open forum for feedback because the utilizers of SYSTEM understand that as an individual we cannot possibly gather all the information necessary to make an informed decision, but we can rely on informed people to provide information. When it comes to health it remains a provable idea that athletes, body builders, power lifters remain the strongest, healthiest, most physically capable people on the planet so what we must do becomes to learn that knowledge, sift through all the useless information, then teach the useful, practical information to other members of SYSTEM.
Now a problem arises before we can go out and gather information to share, we must learn how to set our own filters, screens and patterns so that we can quickly sift through the constant barrage of common sense, conventional wisdom and just plain lies whether intentional or unintentional. People perform magic every day, but very few people will ever learn to perform magick, which becomes defined as the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the Will. The lies people tell as part of their repertoire become a type of mental prestidigitation, misdirection and obfuscation learned accidentally from others, or purposely done, yet few people can actually perform magick. SYSTEM remains an attempt to teach this process of development to those that can stand to enhance their potential, performance and probabilities to take it to the next level. We will focus on four levels of individual growth: PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, SPIRITUAL (our aim is science and our method is rebinding these four elements).


First of all we must start out by defining what SYSTEM means, and the above links can give us a starting reference because as people living in the West we get educated believing that the Word remains the most important part when it comes to communication. S.Y.S.T.E.M. means Save Your Self To Empower M…and M can represent words such as: Motivation, Momentum, Money, More, Maximum etc. etc. Many writers, speakers, sage explained the importance of “the Word” from the past top modern times, writers in the Old Testament to Aleister Crowley, also people as diverse as Carl Sagan, George Jackson and Daniel Boorstin gave an explanation. Even if societies, cultures and people do not directly address the idea of “the Word,” Timothy Leary claimed this constituted the 3rd level of actualization, the ability to grasp the manual/laryngeal fundamentals wherein a person learns to communicate with another by the use of written words or by learning to manipulate air through the vocal cords and shaping the mouth to create sounds; language facilitates communication among people. While few people ever reach the point where they can use their words as an art or science used in conformity with their Will to create change, most people inadvertently cause change by their use of words. Think about how we define ourselves as homo sapiens (wise man), human being (a static state) or by him/her (reproduction organs), yet we belong to the larger class of “people” as opposed to animals, even if taxonomists class us in the animal kingdom. Of all the classifications human being appears the most limiting because being indicates we live in a permanent state = being, not as we really exist in constant flux, change or in some lucky few, growth.
So what possibilities exist in a human becoming as opposed to a human being, we can see that our use of language can impose artificial limits on us as well as free us from limits self-imposed and otherwise. SYSTEM uses language written and spoken aloud to others or self-talk to create a new empowering mind-set, and along with relearning language, vocabulary and thought patterns, we can learn physical methods to encourage, inspire and empower the vehicle that mobilizes us to and fro our entire lives. Ultimately we must become self-programmers, back-yard mental hackers, and self-sufficient interdependent people instead of products of a victim mentality society. At the heart of SYSTEM exists Your Self, ultimately you remain responsible for your Life, so only You can Save Your Self, short of unnatural, supernatural or supranatural phenomenon, events, and episodes the majority will need to Save Your Self. By doing this youwill learn to Empower Much because as our progenitors taught and this message reiterates, You create and recreate Your Self on a moment to moment basis yet some memes take a deeper hold than others. My own personal journey to self-discovery remains full of instructions from the very beginning of Life, and yet the only difference between myself and others seems where our programming turned on.
Think about this analogy and remember that “the map is not the territory,” we welcome any and all productive feedback about SYSTEM: imagine if You can a computer company, any computer company who produces mass computers of the same kind and 3 exact computers come off the line, everything, every chip, every configuration the exact same. Now inside the main chip exists a set of instructions: INSTRUCTION 1 – GO OUT AND GATHER INFORMATION; INSTRUCITON 2 – ACT UPON THAT INFORMATION. Now the information can derive from business software to graphic arts software to gaming software so that one computer gets used for business, one gets used to create graphics designs and the third one gets tweaked to give the fastest twitch time a gamer can get out of it. Now in time you would take business to the one with the business computer, requests for graphic designs to the artist and you would want to play on the game box. Yet what happens to us remains that we use basically the same programming from our childhood because for this analogy we remain walking, talking, breathing bio-computers with 2 arms, 2 legs, a truck and head, at least for the majority.
Unlike a mass-produced computer where all the computers get built exactly alike, think of this as a custom built job where you can call, use the Internet or go by the store to custom order a slightly different version. Some run faster, some can store more information, some come in different colored cases, but even though they remain largely similar they can process, store or look different. The DNA in people causes similar effects it causes slight differentiation but the in-born basic instructions remain: INSTRUCTION 1 – TAKE IN SENSORY DATA (our body does this through our sense organs); INSTRUCTION 2 – USE SENSORY INFORMATION TO ANALYZE/PROCESS (our mind begins to select choices); INSTRUCTION 3 – ACT UPON THE ENVIRONMENT WE FIND OURSELVES IN (our mind/body begins to interact with the environment causing a loop). Now we begin to understand that emulation, mimicking and repetition become the easiest way to learn, so we begin to act like the first caretakers whether parents, friends and finally the society we find ourselves in causing people to become products of their environment skewed by the original programming, but where did the original programming begin?

RUN 11%er ©

RUN 11%er ©
How often do you hear this quote, “When the student is ready, the Master shall appear,” and truly understood what it mean’s? To paraphrase John Cougar, I was raised in a small town, in a small school, yeah that’s me! About 300 students enrolled in the entire high school during my attendance there, so that the football team remained small and the head coach at the time would use audio tapes to inspire us before games. This seems my first conscious recollection of exposure to motivational speakers, in this instance, Zig Ziglar’s “See You At The Top,” yet at that time the student did not appear ready, but a seed became implanted in my mind.
In my youth plans for the rest of my life remained relatively nonexistent, so that wasting away the moments that make up a dull day became my existence, either the student did not appear ready or the master did not appear. My attempt at military life did not work out at the time so began my return home, but as the days passed a realization began of wanting to finish my military duty and so began the process of reenlisting again, holding out the promise of allowing me to “Be all that you can be.”
Growing up in a small town, going to a small school, learning from small books makes most of us believe that truth, justice and the American Way seems real and even though inklings colored my mind that what most people parroted remained mostly bovine fecal matter, my youth made me naïve to the true workings of our culture. My legal troubles began in 1985 and due to the educational propaganda of my schooling and the fact of my innocence; my family hired an attorney to go to jury trial, where due to the attorney’s lack of competence, witness histrionics and theatrics, and my deficiency in worldly wisdom allowed the judge to banish me to a monastic existence that took up a quarter century of my Life.
Of my last 25 years, 18 of them became spent in a monastic setting interrupted here and there by conditional freedom, yet as of 2011 the debt that the state of Texas set as a burden upon my body, no longer exists. At the beginning of 2003 the state again imposed a monastic existence again in a warehouse deep in the heart of Texas, actually about 150 miles from the exact geographic center of the state. The particular unit that my physical body inhabited made it mandatory that we take a class called Cognitive Intervention, a fancy way of saying “stop and think,” trying to prevent something stupid, antisocial or just plain criminal.
The class material basically consisted of Stephen Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Effective People reworded, reworked and renamed probably to avoid any legal entanglements with copyright laws, along with material from other motivational speakers, life coaches and inspirational people. The teacher brought in the Zig Ziglar video “See You At The Top,” and as Zig gave his spiel the seed that became planted a quarter of a century before, that Lifes’ experiences watered, began to understand the Circle of Life. It awoke something inside of me that quietly grew without my intent, even though my mind possessed no conscious idea that a seed remained from those brief encounters years ago in the football locker rooms of my formative years. My inspiration led me to ask the teacher to give me permission to review the tape alone and this allowed me to encounter Stephen Covey, Tony Robbins, and others; giving me time to take notes, because of my imminent release.
Returning to the small town of my youth to live in for the first time in about 18 years allowing me to use the inspirational material to affect a change in my Life, and due to the nature of my circumstances it let me focus on my growth for the first time in my Life. My father struggled with terminal cancer, my conditional release status made it hard to find employment, and the perception of my past all worked together to isolate me, but it also helped me because it gave me time to read, study and learn more. A feeling of empowerment grew more than any time in the past because my Life experiences could relate to the need for inspiration, motivation and growth and yet something appeared lacking, it felt more like a thought experiment than actual practice of the tools gathered over time. A social network of people to share my ideas with seemed the needed component, people to help and someone who could help me this prompted my move to the city to find a job. My father passed away not long after that and a few months later my wife and me met through a mutual friend of over 25 years, but the everyday existence and grind possess a way of leading us away from what we know best for us.
In 2006 my conditional freedom once again became curtailed and after finishing up with that time out, my wife suggested that we move out of state to some property she owned and if you can’t go home again, neither can you get a new start while under the thumb of a government just because you change your physical location. In 2008 due to a conflict of personalities with the out-of-state government agency who as a courtesy oversaw my conditional release the out-of-state agency remanded me back to the state of Texas. While awaiting the outcome of this Kafkaesque, Byzantine, Orwellian game that resulted out of the clash of personalities, a motivational speaker on public access gave me the basis for RUN 11%er.
As stated earlier, my lack of a social network in 2003 kept me from sharing many of the skills learned so while awaiting the outcome of the remand to the state of Texas a man by the name of Dr. Wayne Dyer appeared on PBS. He claimed that most people donot get help for the simple reason they donot ask, this got me to thinking because he made it sound so simple, yet my life experiences seemed to negate this simple philosophy. The more this idea bounced around in my mind the more a new understanding began to grow prompting me to actually try the ask for help idea in the real world and found that in most cases 1 out of 10 people usually would agree to help. My experience with people in general demonstrates that we live in a society that teaches that we must look out for ourselves, unless you belong to a gang of some sort, and by this means any group of people with a common interest, not necessarily a criminal enterprise. Life seems to show that most people act endogamic by nature, if you do not belong to the tribe, if you donot share common interest, if you donot adhere to common perceptions, the tribe will shun you.
And yet 1 out of 10 people did seem willing, ready and able to help others, not for gain but because they generally desired to help others so even though not everyone might help if you asked at least 10% of the population will. Supposedly about 6 billion people exist on Earth at this time and about half of those remain children, so realistically we can discount children because as adults we know children for the most part cannot help us. That leaves 3 billion people on this planet that could potentially help someone else, but as stated earlier only 10% seemed willing to truly help and that leaves us with 300 million people available worldwide willing to help us out at any time, the population of the U.S. 300 million people even if worldwide, willing to help us becomes a large number, now if you take 10% and add yourself, no this is not correct math, but for our purposes we will do this math and come out with 11%. Now the question becomes are(R) you(U) an(N) 11%er, I realized that if only 1 out of 10 people help each other, then how much can we do, so the lack of social network that seemed lacking in 2003 now becomes possible. Even if not everyone becomes willing to help if we just ask, 10% remains substantial, even drops can fill a bucket. We live in an age when we can communicate almost instantly with anyone on the planet who given access to wires, glass and electrons and so I invite you to my network and feel certain that you RUN 11%er.



Aloha! Welcome to the beginning of a novel way of presenting perennial philosophy’s which appear to provide me with a clearer way to gather, process and grok information; so that after years of living, loving and liberty, a ray of Light inspired me to create SYSTEM (Save Your Self To Empower Motivation).,,,,,,
The preceding links help us understand the denotative meaning of the word “system,” and these definitions give us a partial understanding of the acronym SYSTEM, due to the fact that Life appears a series of moments, events and unfolding of the time/space continuum. My first foray into motivational, self-help, self-improvement began with Zig Ziglar’s audio of See You at the Top, at that time my lack of Life experience did not allow me to appreciate the significance of learning a system of creating a better mind-set.
Over the years my travels brought me across many different sorts of maps for the territory of this thing we commonly refer to as Life, everything from the normal to the abnormal to the paranormal. Several years ago after exposing myself to a dis-ease, a mild stroke gave me cause to reexamine those lost lessons learned over the course of my Life and out of that arose SYSTEM. It became clear, apparent and undisputable that only you can save your self, we cannot save anyone outside of our skin, and while we can live an exemplary Life so that our Light shines forth allowing that others may see, we cannot lead horses to water and it remains improbable that we can force them to drink.
The philosophy of SYSTEM did not arise from mental vapors, think tanks or a priori posturing, but from observation, studying, and acting; SYSTEM arose from the crucible of Life, woven from strands of Light, by choosing Love and opting for internal Liberty and to quote Sir Isaac Newton, “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” SYSTEM therefore remains a culmination of visual, spoken and written transmissions by the Universe directly, indirectly and through the lenses, filters and screens of other people living now or in the past, to me. Above all, we must Laugh, since the End Game will take care of itself, we need to enjoy in peace, enjoy in love, and enjoy in joy, this funny Game of sea monkeys, bags of protoplasmic matter and featherless bipeds provides the much needed levity to make Life worth a smile.