Monday, February 21, 2011


First of all we must start out by defining what SYSTEM means, and the above links can give us a starting reference because as people living in the West we get educated believing that the Word remains the most important part when it comes to communication. S.Y.S.T.E.M. means Save Your Self To Empower M…and M can represent words such as: Motivation, Momentum, Money, More, Maximum etc. etc. Many writers, speakers, sage explained the importance of “the Word” from the past top modern times, writers in the Old Testament to Aleister Crowley, also people as diverse as Carl Sagan, George Jackson and Daniel Boorstin gave an explanation. Even if societies, cultures and people do not directly address the idea of “the Word,” Timothy Leary claimed this constituted the 3rd level of actualization, the ability to grasp the manual/laryngeal fundamentals wherein a person learns to communicate with another by the use of written words or by learning to manipulate air through the vocal cords and shaping the mouth to create sounds; language facilitates communication among people. While few people ever reach the point where they can use their words as an art or science used in conformity with their Will to create change, most people inadvertently cause change by their use of words. Think about how we define ourselves as homo sapiens (wise man), human being (a static state) or by him/her (reproduction organs), yet we belong to the larger class of “people” as opposed to animals, even if taxonomists class us in the animal kingdom. Of all the classifications human being appears the most limiting because being indicates we live in a permanent state = being, not as we really exist in constant flux, change or in some lucky few, growth.
So what possibilities exist in a human becoming as opposed to a human being, we can see that our use of language can impose artificial limits on us as well as free us from limits self-imposed and otherwise. SYSTEM uses language written and spoken aloud to others or self-talk to create a new empowering mind-set, and along with relearning language, vocabulary and thought patterns, we can learn physical methods to encourage, inspire and empower the vehicle that mobilizes us to and fro our entire lives. Ultimately we must become self-programmers, back-yard mental hackers, and self-sufficient interdependent people instead of products of a victim mentality society. At the heart of SYSTEM exists Your Self, ultimately you remain responsible for your Life, so only You can Save Your Self, short of unnatural, supernatural or supranatural phenomenon, events, and episodes the majority will need to Save Your Self. By doing this youwill learn to Empower Much because as our progenitors taught and this message reiterates, You create and recreate Your Self on a moment to moment basis yet some memes take a deeper hold than others. My own personal journey to self-discovery remains full of instructions from the very beginning of Life, and yet the only difference between myself and others seems where our programming turned on.
Think about this analogy and remember that “the map is not the territory,” we welcome any and all productive feedback about SYSTEM: imagine if You can a computer company, any computer company who produces mass computers of the same kind and 3 exact computers come off the line, everything, every chip, every configuration the exact same. Now inside the main chip exists a set of instructions: INSTRUCTION 1 – GO OUT AND GATHER INFORMATION; INSTRUCITON 2 – ACT UPON THAT INFORMATION. Now the information can derive from business software to graphic arts software to gaming software so that one computer gets used for business, one gets used to create graphics designs and the third one gets tweaked to give the fastest twitch time a gamer can get out of it. Now in time you would take business to the one with the business computer, requests for graphic designs to the artist and you would want to play on the game box. Yet what happens to us remains that we use basically the same programming from our childhood because for this analogy we remain walking, talking, breathing bio-computers with 2 arms, 2 legs, a truck and head, at least for the majority.
Unlike a mass-produced computer where all the computers get built exactly alike, think of this as a custom built job where you can call, use the Internet or go by the store to custom order a slightly different version. Some run faster, some can store more information, some come in different colored cases, but even though they remain largely similar they can process, store or look different. The DNA in people causes similar effects it causes slight differentiation but the in-born basic instructions remain: INSTRUCTION 1 – TAKE IN SENSORY DATA (our body does this through our sense organs); INSTRUCTION 2 – USE SENSORY INFORMATION TO ANALYZE/PROCESS (our mind begins to select choices); INSTRUCTION 3 – ACT UPON THE ENVIRONMENT WE FIND OURSELVES IN (our mind/body begins to interact with the environment causing a loop). Now we begin to understand that emulation, mimicking and repetition become the easiest way to learn, so we begin to act like the first caretakers whether parents, friends and finally the society we find ourselves in causing people to become products of their environment skewed by the original programming, but where did the original programming begin?

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