Monday, February 21, 2011



For all practical intents and purposes it appears that most people’s behavior contains “common sense” elements to it, so that untested it can become “conventional wisdom,” which we know doesnot work for the individual, in other words, it doesnot work for Your Self. Common sense seems the reason most of society gets fucked up, because it rely’s on the group to program the individual, unfortunately the group exists to program the square peg to fit into the round holes or simply reject them. SYSTEM became designed to teach You, the individual, to use words, tools and techniques to Empower Maximally, such as by using the latest data to take Your physical vehicle end empowering it, enhancing it, and recreating it to the highest level of Light, Life, Love, Liberty. SYSTEM seeks the latest, the greatest or the time-tested methods that people created and nature designed to increase the potential of people to their ultimate limits.
For example if You want to create the healthiest body for Your Self you possibly can, you donot turn to your fat, beer-drinking buddies who sit around watching sports on the weekends, You go to a gym, get a personal trainer or educate yourself on matters of physical fitness. You take a proactive approach by actively gathering information, researching it and setting nothing off limits, because Nature remains a limitless creation in progress. SYSTEM provides an open forum for feedback because the utilizers of SYSTEM understand that as an individual we cannot possibly gather all the information necessary to make an informed decision, but we can rely on informed people to provide information. When it comes to health it remains a provable idea that athletes, body builders, power lifters remain the strongest, healthiest, most physically capable people on the planet so what we must do becomes to learn that knowledge, sift through all the useless information, then teach the useful, practical information to other members of SYSTEM.
Now a problem arises before we can go out and gather information to share, we must learn how to set our own filters, screens and patterns so that we can quickly sift through the constant barrage of common sense, conventional wisdom and just plain lies whether intentional or unintentional. People perform magic every day, but very few people will ever learn to perform magick, which becomes defined as the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the Will. The lies people tell as part of their repertoire become a type of mental prestidigitation, misdirection and obfuscation learned accidentally from others, or purposely done, yet few people can actually perform magick. SYSTEM remains an attempt to teach this process of development to those that can stand to enhance their potential, performance and probabilities to take it to the next level. We will focus on four levels of individual growth: PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, SPIRITUAL (our aim is science and our method is rebinding these four elements).

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