Monday, February 21, 2011



Aloha! Welcome to the beginning of a novel way of presenting perennial philosophy’s which appear to provide me with a clearer way to gather, process and grok information; so that after years of living, loving and liberty, a ray of Light inspired me to create SYSTEM (Save Your Self To Empower Motivation).,,,,,,
The preceding links help us understand the denotative meaning of the word “system,” and these definitions give us a partial understanding of the acronym SYSTEM, due to the fact that Life appears a series of moments, events and unfolding of the time/space continuum. My first foray into motivational, self-help, self-improvement began with Zig Ziglar’s audio of See You at the Top, at that time my lack of Life experience did not allow me to appreciate the significance of learning a system of creating a better mind-set.
Over the years my travels brought me across many different sorts of maps for the territory of this thing we commonly refer to as Life, everything from the normal to the abnormal to the paranormal. Several years ago after exposing myself to a dis-ease, a mild stroke gave me cause to reexamine those lost lessons learned over the course of my Life and out of that arose SYSTEM. It became clear, apparent and undisputable that only you can save your self, we cannot save anyone outside of our skin, and while we can live an exemplary Life so that our Light shines forth allowing that others may see, we cannot lead horses to water and it remains improbable that we can force them to drink.
The philosophy of SYSTEM did not arise from mental vapors, think tanks or a priori posturing, but from observation, studying, and acting; SYSTEM arose from the crucible of Life, woven from strands of Light, by choosing Love and opting for internal Liberty and to quote Sir Isaac Newton, “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” SYSTEM therefore remains a culmination of visual, spoken and written transmissions by the Universe directly, indirectly and through the lenses, filters and screens of other people living now or in the past, to me. Above all, we must Laugh, since the End Game will take care of itself, we need to enjoy in peace, enjoy in love, and enjoy in joy, this funny Game of sea monkeys, bags of protoplasmic matter and featherless bipeds provides the much needed levity to make Life worth a smile.

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