Sunday, February 27, 2011


A problem facing many people in society today remains “mental chatter,” those small voices constantly yammering away in their heads, full of repetitive memes, common sense and conventional wisdom; as the old computer dictum goes : GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT. Hence the need for creating a mental fortress, putting in place screen, filters and selective processes; and then doing mental triage as to the importance of information that floods your senses. Now since a majority of people in the world donot practice meditation and therefore donot possess any idea how to “still the monkey of the mind,” we can do the next best thing and begin to gain more control over the constant flow of sensory information that people exist in.
Try the following experiment; upon awakening every morning ask Your Self this question, “WHAT CAN I DO TODAY, TO EMPOWER MYSELF,” at least 8 times, placing emphasis on all the words, one word at a time and then ask the question a few more times after that. Do this for 30 days with the goal of finding 1 empowering situation, event or thing (SET) every day to perform and then before going to sleep that night take an inventory and ask Your Self, “WHAT DID I DO TODAY, TO EMPOWER MYSELF?” taking a mental reckoning to relive the 1 SET you did that day, “To Empower Myself.” After 15 days you ask the same question upon awakening but now you increase the goal to finding 3 empowering situations, events, things (SET) and again before you go to bed you do an inventory and mental reckoning for 3 SETs you did that day. By the end of 30 days your mind will become entrained to seek out empowering SETs throughout your day so at this point you can amp up your search for SETs to infinite, after 30 days you mind will begin to become entrained to see SETs in order To Empower Mind, your Mind.
The fact remains you become what you think, so that if you find ways To Empower More, then your mind makes it a habit, and that search must constantly lead you in the direction of truth, but donot confuse full disclosure with truth. SYSTEM doesnot advocate that you need to confess your most revealing, embarrassing, darkest secrets to any and everybody, SYSTEM advocates that you learn to accept what you believe, feel, think, but contrary to the Orwellian philosophy that seems to permeate popular American society and espoused by the mass media, we donot need to report every thought to the Thought Police. Thinking in and of itself doesnot remain dangerous, in fact it remains a natural process no matter how unconventional, impolitically correct or anti-social it may seem, the problem will arise from poor impulse control and acting upon socially unacceptable acts.
In fact we must come to terms with our minds along with the thoughts that pass through them and so we need at least 30 minutes a day of quiet time where we sit awake, in a comfortable position, with no distractions from media, electronics, or significant others. We then allow the thoughts to pass through our minds like clouds in the sky, looking at the “shapes of the clouds,” without holding on to them, always remembering that these only remain merely thoughts and not actions. The goal then becomes to come to terms with Your Self and the mental processes that actually take place in Your CNS, without trying to suppress, repress and check your beliefs, ideas, thoughts (BIT), this takes practice because once you realize that thought remains just that, a thought, unless acted upon, either positive, indifferent or negative, then you begin to gain self-control of your acts.
Before you can move on to the most important part of the mental inventory you must “know thyself,” and “to thine own self be true,” the inventory can get written, recorded verbally or using audio-visual equipment on a consistent and if possible daily basis, taking inventory of what you perceive of Your Self. Youwill then set goals of who you want to become by writing and/or recording it because you want to review this feedback loop on a regular basis with something that you can physically handle. Once you begin to understand Your Self and where you want to grow, you take the next step of creating filters, screens and triaging viral memes that will guide you in obtaining your goals to SYSTEM.

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