Sunday, February 27, 2011


While going to high school we played for a coach who got sold on Zig Ziglar and so we listened to tapes after practice and before games, this coach went around quoting Zig and the truth seems that he threw out acorns, scattering seed corn willy-nilly, against the elements, against the wind. But out of little beans, big mesquites grow, but it takes time, light and a lot of fertilizer with water, even through years of drought in my vehicle, even while the mental and physical received water, my emotions appeared to make no progress. My spiritual maturity started around 20, sometime in my early 20’s my vehicle physically matured, my mentality matured somewhere around my mid to late 20’s, yet my emotional maturity grew slower due to years of drought in which the little bean received little water in the desert. Still the little emotional tree persevered subsisting off the dew, the mist, the fog and sometimes the run-off of the physical, mental and spiritual growth. The years allowed me to explore the teachings of many Masters of Time/Space, but my emotions still seemed to lag and many of my mistakes derived from the lack of emotional maturity. Finding myself in a monastic existence where many of the individuals around me came mostly from the land of misfit toys, many also appeared stunted not just emotionally, but mentally and spiritually as well. In my youth my pursuits focused on the spiritual, mental and physical, yet somehow in all this education the emotional teachings somehow got missed or overlooked by me; it seems the student never saw the Master appear. After every release from enforced monasticism someone to Love always appeared to me, but somehow the Love would get lost, and the loss would evade my understanding, using my other capacity’s wouldnot allow me to comprehend why Love kept walking away from me and the little mesquite bean slowly grew into a stunted bush.
The reader must understand that emotional rain will occasionally fall, but just like acid rain it falls heavily laden with adulterants, dilutants, or pollutants which only allowed me to survive and not to thrive. In 2000 my first wife left me, which prodded me to become more introspective because my mental and spiritual knowledge did not help me out with the emotional droughts. In 2003 an opportunity arose in the form of a self-help class that relied heavily on material borrowed from Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey and various other self-help motivational speakers. One day while watching a video by Zig Ziglar the dwarf emotional tree recognized the nutrients it lacked and realized the sustenance it needed and the class became a source of emotional rain on that mesquite. The mesquite doesnot qualify as a tree in fact, but a shrub, not limited to the size it can grow except by the amount of water it can get, and now the amount of emotional liquidity began to rain down in larger amounts, unfortunately my path crossed that of a facilitator to the Teachers, not a Teacher himself, but one cannot expect to gain much wisdom unless one gets tested by the fires of Life.
Returning to the town of my youth in 2003 a quest began to seek out the teachings for the emotional H20 my mesquite craved and needed to grow, the quest lead me to find books, study more and the growth began to catch the dew better, which started a synergetic process. But as often happens in the real world the teachings of the Masters began to fade into the same old, same old routines of existence, my existence made the techniques in the books difficult to apply, causing the emotional growth to slow. While under the influence of a mentally repetitive URP (UnRegistered Pharmaceutical) a relationship began with another woman and my emotional immaturity began to color my decisions, instead of me making emotionally mature decisions. So once again an enforced monastic existence put me back in the center of slaves, misfits and broken toys, among the social debris. Beginning the 4th tour of my own personal hell my path crossed that of a Teacher that not only knew how to survive off the dews, mists and fogs, but how to thrive; this became Life-giving waters for furthering my emotional maturity allowing me to begin my progress into an emotionally mature man. The realization dawned on me that many of those around me couldnot understand their own lack of maturity in mental, spiritual or emotional matters because of the conventional wisdom that physical maturity signals maturity on all the other levels because this common sense get propagandized by those in authority, in order to perpetuate their own existence.
The realization opened my eyes to the fact that the Light of Truth seems clear, glaring, and sometimes harsh; and most of society, not just the misfit toys, lives in a land of illusions created to maintain a type of control over people, a mass hallucination shared by all, to benefit a few. SYSTEM doesnot advocate a socialist revolution, it doesnot advocate breads & circuses for the masses, it simply remains a signal to communicate the idea to the Individual, to Save Your Self. SYSTEM will put as many tips, tools, techniques as possible in your possession, itwill create a network and itwill exchange ideas for the Individual To Empower More.
Imagine yourself in a vehicle riding along on city streets, no traffic lights, no signs or warnings of any kind at the intersections, so you get in your vehicle, turn on the ignition and put it in drive. This vehicle begins to move of its own accord so that you donot control the speed directly because you remain unaware that the vehicle possesses an accelerator or even a brake pedal; you learn to do the best you can to cross intersections, while trying to avoid collisions with other vehicles. The fact remains that since you possess no control of the speed you keep wrecking into other vehicles who also donot know how to control the speed of their vehicles, but at least the collisions give you enough time to slow down, get back in the vehicle, and start it before it builds speed up again. This remains a representation of Life as most people know it, at an emotional level, most people never realizing that they can control STOP YIELD START, that not only do they possess an accelerator, but a brake pedal as well. Yet even knowing that you possess an accelerator and a brake pedal doesnot seem enough, because you must still learn how to use them, this not only lets you Stop, but you can Yield.
Now picture Your Self at an intersection, where you take just 2 seconds to look both ways as you Yield; count out 2 seconds and see how much you can see how much you can see using the “left-right-left” method. Now give Your Self 5 seconds, and then give Your Self 10 seconds and notice the differences that 10 actual seconds could make in your Life, so that when you approach an “intersection” you give Your Self just 10 seconds out of the 8640 you get in a 24 hour day. Even if you did this 64 times a day you will still get 8000 seconds left in a day, the point seems that if you would approach a situation, Stop or Yield (10 seconds) and start again you would gain control of Your emotions and not become subject to the control (collisions), conscious or unconscious with others.
There exists a saying that in “that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king,” so what does that make the two-eyed man, and in the land of emotional drivers that donot know how to use accelerators and brakes, what does that make the individual who can control the motion of emotion? SYSTEM doesnot apply to victim mentality, in fact it eschews victimology as abhorrent, disempowering and ultimately contrary to the rational processes of Life, because Life seems an arm race. Every morning a rabbit awakes in the desert knowing it must go out of its burrow to eat in order to survive, every morning a coyote awakens knowing he must eat the rabbit in order to live another day. So when the rabbit goes out and the coyote sees him the Life commences, if the rabbit cannot run fast enough the coyote eats, but if the rabbit outruns the coyote it, might starve; and just like the rabbit and coyote we must hit the ground running every morning, in order to Live. Once you begin to mature emotionally you no longer side with the rabbit or the coyote, you begin to realize that this just remains the nature of things and we must embrace nature. True victims rarely exist and no amount of screeching MADD mothers, fascist government officials, or police state propaganda ministers can change the facts that people can act cruel, evil and vicious. SYSTEM acknowledges man’s behavior toward’s man, but seeks to empower, enlighten and encourage individual, interdependent responsibility. Man’s cruelty to little animals, children and each other pre-dates even written history and continue’s in parts of the world to this day where most of the ostriches never want to see because they refuse to pull their heads out of the sand. SYSTEM teaches people to take responsibility for their own actions whether good, bad or indifferent and to focus on Your Self, this in turn begins synergetic emotional growth, which helps lead to emotional maturity.

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